The ILO, with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, is implementing a new regional labour migration project to promote fair migration and address forced labour and trafficking for labour exploitation. The Regional Fair Migration Project in the Middle East (FAIRWAY) –focuses on the plight of the most vulnerable workers: those in domestic and construction work.

The Publicaition 10 Things Governments Can Do to Ensure Fair Recruitment is a summary of recommendations from the ILO white Paper: Ways forward in the recruitment of low skilled workers in Asia-Arab States corridor” (2016).

For more information please visit the ILO website:–en/index.htm

To access the fact sheet click the link below

10 Things Governments Can Do to Ensure Fair Recruitment

To access the full ILO White Paper click the link below

Ways forward in recruitment of low-­skilled migrant workers in the Asia-­Arab states corridor


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